Please think about your childcare needs for this summer and fall. Registration for summer and fall 2025 will begin Monday, March 3rd. Registration forms will be sent via email and brightwheel. Please fill out your registration form and return it to the pink basket (in either building) as soon as possible. We fill classes on a first received/first served basis (forms are dated as they come in.) Registration forms are due on Friday, March 7th =. I will then begin calling those on our waiting list to fill any vacancies we may have.
If we have not received your registration form & fee by March 7th, your child’s spot for summer and fall is considered vacant and will be filled.
*There is a $55 non-refundable registration fee due at the time of registration and we will verify your payment via brightwheel unless you choose to pay by check or cash. If you registered new at Kids’ Campus since January 1, 2025, you will not need to pay a second registration fee. Your child will not be considered registered until we receive the registration fee. If you plan to remove your child for the summer session and return in the fall, you will need to pay one week’s tuition to hold the spot for the fall session. This is also non-refundable and is in addition to the annual registration fee. If you have any questions about registration, please call the office anytime. Remember: your account must be paid in full to register your child for the next session!
Please be aware: Effective March 1, 2025, all tuition and registration will increase by $5.00. The registration increase will not be effective for the upcoming 2025 Registration. This increase will allow me to give each staff member a much needed pay increase along with other necessary business expenditures. The last increase was in 2022. Thank you in advance for your continued support and understanding.
Kids’ Campus will have our 2nd annual spring staff enrichment/in-service day on Friday, March 28, 2024. The center will be closed. I have hired Michelle Atanu, (OTR/MOB) with Avilo Pediatrics Solutions from Missouri City to provide us with training for the day. Check her out at She is a phenomenal motivator and speaker who is passionate about her work with children. I am pleased to be offering her level of expertise to your teachers, and I can’t wait to see what they learn and apply. Thank you in advance for your understanding and support.
Scholastic book orders for February will be in the Snickers and MilkyWays mailboxes soon. If you would like to order books for your child/children this month, please fill out the order form and drop it with payment in the pink basket by Monday, February 17th. Make checks payable to Scholastic, no cash please. You may also order online at Our activation code for online ordering is M9CMD. Books are delivered and put in your child’s box in about a week.
We will have Valentine parties for the toddler & preschool classes on Friday, February 14th at 2:30. Each child will receive a class list and will need to bring a valentine for each child in their class. They can be homemade or purchased. There will be a sign-up sheet to volunteer to provide treats for the party. As always, Tuesday/Thursday children are welcome to attend the party with an adult.
Sweeny ISD will have a school holiday Monday, February 17th. KCCC will be open and provide all day care for your schooler. Please remember to bring lunch for your child. IF your child attends all day, Ms. Rosy will add that charge to your brightwheel account, and you will be invoiced the following week. If your child does not attend, your normal tuition will be owed.
Kids’ Campus would like to wish Happy Birthday to:
Landon Collins February 3 2 years old!
Ms. Patience February 4 ??????????
Elijah Foster February 8 4 years old!
Harper Arana February 14 7 years old!
Ava Gallardo February 15 9 years old!
Kinslee Bostrom February 22 2 years old!
Shawn Wagner