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MAY 2024



Kids’ Campus will be closed on Monday, May 27th for Memorial Day. The last day of school for SISD is Thursday, May 23rd.  That is an early dismissal day and there will be an extra charge for school children picked up by Kids’ Campus.  You will see that charge on your next brightwheel invoice.  All day care will be provided on Friday for schoolers.  Please remember to bring lunch.

All enrollees will need to pay through Friday, May 24th, regardless of attendance.


Friday, May 10th, is Childcare Provider Appreciation Day.  I don’t want to miss an opportunity to express to you, our parents, how grateful I am for the staff/teachers here at KCCC.  They each bring something to the center that works so well with your kids. 

I am fully aware that I could not be successful at this profession without each of them.  I would love to mention each team member by name and give you examples of the wonderful things I see; however, it would take you days to read!! 

Please help me in celebrating Childcare Appreciation Day.  They all deserve all the recognition and kudos you give.

Thank you in advance for helping me.


Congratulations to Ms. Lisa B.  She is April’s Employee of the Month.  She stepped in and covered for Ms. Michelle when she resigned.  She always has a ready smile, loves to have fun with the kids, and she has blossomed since her hire in October!  What we do is not always easy, and she asks questions all the time about how to manage situations.  She is doing a fabulous job and loving every minute of it! 


April was a difficult month for me.  Ms. Michelle and Ms. Reighny both resigned mid-April.  I am still searching for the right fit for a teacher in the Gummy Bear room.  Ms. Olivia has been subbing in the class and has done a fantastic job.  I want to make sure that the best decision is made, and I thank you for your patience.  Ms. Lisa B. has taken the role as MilkyWays teacher and has some big shoes to fill. 

It is always difficult for us to say good-bye to children leaving Kids’ Campus.  If this is your last month here, we will miss you!  We hope you have a great summer.  Please come back to visit!  For all of those leaving for the summer only, you have a great summer too!  We look forward to hearing all about it in August!


I would like to extend a big Kids’ Campus welcome to Ms. Taylor Perez.  She is extremely excited and still has some training to go through; however, she is a fantastic addition to our KCCC team.  Please give her a big Kids’ Campus welcome!

With summer fast approaching, I still need to hire one more teacher aide.  If you have any recommendations, I would love to give them a chance. 


Our summer session will start Tuesday, May 28th.  Summer is more relaxed, the schedule is less structured, and themes are planned for the children to enjoy.  Splash Day is every Friday beginning June 7th – children wear their swimsuits to Kids’ Campus and play on the splashpad/water slide during the morning recess.  Summer enrollees will receive a monthly calendar of activities and themes, and more information at the beginning of the session.  School age children will have their own program with field trips.  Mr. Craig will be sending a letter home for those children enrolled this summer.

*Please remember that if your child begins the summer session, you are obligated to pay for the entire session.  If you change your mind after the summer session begins and UN-enroll your child, you will lose your spot in the fall.


  • Please remember our dress code policy concerning sandals/shoes.  Children may wear sandals if they have a strap around the back to help keep them on their feet. Flip flops are not allowed! Children must wear closed toed shoes to play in the sand area.

  • Please check the coat racks in your child’s mailbox area and check the lost and found box. There are several jackets which need to be taken home.  All unmarked clothing left after May 31st will be donated.

  • Remember, ALL tuition accounts must be paid in full for your child to begin the summer session.



Kids’ Campus would like to wish Happy Birthday to:

Matthew Dewees May 1               5 years old!

Jett Johnson               May 8               4 years old!

Matthew Morgan         May 14             2 years old!

Blakely Robbins         May 14             2 years old!     

Walker Lanfear            May 17             5 years old!

Kyndal Loyacano        May 20             5 years old!

Ellie Rojas                   May 26             4 years old!

Rudy Foudray             May 28             10 years old!

Raylynn Bridwell        May 30             10 years old!


Happy Kids’ Campus Anniversary to Ms. Rosy, 25 years at Kids’ Campus on May 17th!!


Happy Mother’s Day, Sunday May 11th!





Shawn Wagner

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